Thursday, March 24, 2011


You can live in America a life that is as easy and as difficult as you choose. A couple of months ago, I turned right on a red light without stopping. I got a ticket to an address that I relocated from, and the ticket penalty compounded as I didn’t address the ticket. This isn’t the first ticket I get, nor the last, at least do I think that now.  Like a sick fool I revisit my puke and repeat my mistakes. This make me realize the serious design work involved in governmental systems that lets you impose on yourself all the difficulties possible, if and only if, you ever think ,it’s tolerable to impose difficulties on the system or the lives of other civilians.
At the same time, this system has provided degrees of freedom not matched in any other country. Degree of freedom is a concept I learned in 9th grade chemistry: liquid can move in many more directions than solid, and that explains why liquid has a much higher degree of freedom. There is one tool I need to achieve higher degrees of freedom, and that’s the bliss and bless of small talk. Small talk is the key to conversation that can lead to good relationships. You can’t unwelcome small talk or people to your life, for how do you know whether your wife will be introduced to you at a dinner party? And how do you know what void your children will fill in your heart when you don’t have them? As romantic as that sounds, right now, at my age and generation, the absent love in our heart is the dollar. For the dollar will provide degrees of freedom I’m unaware of today.
Just to keep the conversation rolling, let’s bring up the problem with unemployment and recruitment. There seems to be a serious problem with 9% unemployment in America. At the same time, I’ve been constantly targeted to recommend university graduates to neighboring companies. I see there’s a mismatch mainly caused by the Job seeker. Many, and many, Job seekers chose not to grow and educate themselves in an adequate manner to fit the job. This is the system of the market place, and from the prospective of the business owner, they’re not interested in partners that will make their lives more difficult. At the end of the day, the job seekers make their life more difficult with unlearning. Northwestern taught me everything I know, and ironically, sometimes I think I know better.
The best of writing and the best of technological applications is it to create the platform that allows the reader or user to finish the story in accordance with their degrees of freedom. I say: “I had my morning coffee”. For you, it could be Starfucks, or drunken donuts. It could be the one off of the kitchen table, or it could be Turkish coffee. Anyway, I’m off for coffee. Thank you America.

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