Thursday, March 24, 2011

Second Law

 I’m so caffeinated and I feel really compelled to escape the world of SEQUEL and explain just another phenomenon in the world. First, there was light. Then there was Bow Chika Wow Wow. The creator and founder of ultimate intelligence wanted to tie you down, and make you make the world a better place than how you found it. Intelligence made it possible for you to leave as many halves - of half of you, in a world you will ultimately leave behind and your halves will leave halves behind. Biology is the mother of all Catch-22’s, and assumptions are the mother of all fuck-ups.  Economists did the same thing. They created the interest fucker rate that made it more compelling for you to put your money in the market instead of under the coach assuming it’s more profitable. However, I’ve yet to meet a human who has put his/her money in the market and doesn't feel just like what I’m about to describe right now: {A 3 years old with a stacks of hundred dollar bills walking towards the toilet. Every morning you wake-up and check out the market. Did it flush? Did it flush? Dude those irrational children flush it away?} The guys with families wake up and check the market the same way they count their balls or ovaries. Here's the valuable point: I’ve read a lot of garbage on how to retain talent. Play the same game life and economist have played. Let your employees start a project of their choice. You’ll get the same commitment the founder of ultimate intelligence and economists have created. Google did it. So did open source.

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