Thursday, March 24, 2011


Did you ever get stuck in a situation? I'm talking about small talk. Fuck small talk! At a club, if a girl won't shut-up, I grab her left tit with my right hand. She slaps me and we're done. What can I do in the office when small talk kicks in? One morning, a colleague was early to work because all the traffic lights were green. Ya, I guess the city traffic department is celebrating St. Patricks Day. Lucky me! Bowie is 10 minutes early for his 9 0' clock, and I'm yet to entertain. Entertain myself I say. I fucken farted. I released a silent smooky green gas and watched his eyes turn red. It was amazing how quickly the conversation ended. Other times, people are more subtle about it. After the 12 o'clock sandwich, when blood stops carrying caffeine and starts working the carbohydrates, I get what I'd like to call a paper plane. That's a professional email camouflaged with the intent to start unprofessional conversations under either-or's territory. Click. Delete. Then reach under my desk for my tea pot and pour my self some herbs. I Tea time. Others take their IT break to go outside and blow smoke. That's where some real business gets done. The cheeks squeezing in and the lips squaring forming the fish-kiss and there we go... blow OOOOO OOOO OOOOOh's. Seriously. There isn't much room at the top. That's why we're going to be partners in success and I'm jumping off your boat when you run the project to the ground. Bonuses and wrist slaps aren't measured with the same ruler. Count, one two three.The middle finger has a bump on it. Right here. See it. Bowie. Come on. Take it easy. My pinky is killing me from all the under_scores. Does this need HR intervention? No net really. At least not until you try to straighten things out. Don't even dare. That's why we're going to bring in Natalie Portman. I'd be curious to see what kind of babies me and her can have together. I guess that's just one of those things you die not knowing. Like alot of other stuff. For what you learn today is free as long as you give me your trust. Then I really can't make money off of this imaginary world. Where on hunter drive strippers dance when your numbers meet goals. There's no racing on hunter drive. There's no rat race. It's just about "kicking the ball in front of you and pacing yourself after it, then kick, and walk". Fucken endless projects. You want barbecue wings. Find a chicken and chop off her right wing. NO! At least give it a graceful death. Project management. Application Development. Anything. Strike once. Do it once. Just do it. Get it done. The taste of coffee comes back to my buds, and when I read my articles on the weekends when I'm chillaxed I realize how bad it is. It's not creative, it's just therapy.  A consultant once told me that if you become too strict then a black market emerges. In search for help in working within an eyetea* group, I found this book. 

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